Vote NO on Ballot Measure 88!

The truth is: Ballot Measure 88 states only that "Drivers will need to… follow current Oregon law regarding proof of insurance." Which refers only to applicants taking the road test – there must be proof of insurance for the car in which they’re tested – that is the only requirement for insurance! An applicant can borrow a car that is insured, take their driving test and walk out the door with a state issued ID – and never purchase car insurance.
An applicant can borrow a car that is insured, take their driving test and walk out the door with a state issued ID – and never purchase car insurance.


OREGON DRIVER CARD COULD BE USED TO BOARD A PLANE AN EVEN VOTE!! Support is rolling in from across the country. Montana resident Paul Nachman explains: Comment, Share, and Pass This On!!…regon

Protect Oregon Drivers License. Vote No on Measure 88

Protect Oregon Driver Licenses – PODL – urges you to vote NO on Ballot Measure 88 to overturn Oregon Senate Bill 833. SB 833 seeks to legitimize the presence of illegal aliens in Oregon by issuing them highly coveted state issued ID in the form of a driver card. The bill was passed by the Oregon legislature and was signed into law May 1, 2013.
PODL filed a citizens veto referendum to overturn the new law. Our petition signatures were accepted by the Secretary of State’s office and Senate Bill 833 – now referred to as Ballot Measure 88 – will be on the general election ballot in November 2014.